10 Kinds of Ham to Serve this Easter

The best reason historians can come up with for the popularity of eating ham on Easter Sunday is that pigs were a symbol of luck in a pre-Christian Europe. While there are many types of meat called hams, a true ham is described as coming from the back leg of a hog. If you’re looking for a unique take on this traditional dish, consider the following.

  1. Asian glazed ham incorporates flavor profiles specific to Asian cultures such as orange and soy.
  2. Spicy glazed ham can incorporate a sweet element like honey with a spicy element like sriracha for a memorable meal.
  3. Sweet glazed ham is more traditional in the U.S. and typically includes maple syrup and brown sugar.
  4. Savory glazed hams tend to have a mustard base.
  5. Smoked hams can be time consuming, but pack a lot of flavor. Using different types of wood for smoking will change the flavor profile.
  6. A fresh ham is one that is raw, uncured, uncooked, and still has the skin on.
  7. Dry-cured hams are preserved with salt then air dried for months.
  8. Wet-cured hams are the most popular type of ham in the U.S. and are cured by brine soaking.
  9. Canned ham is an acquired taste for most, either you’ve acquired it or you haven’t. Don’t discount this gelatinous meat yet, just look at the popularity of it’s cousin Spam!
  10. Corned ham is made in the same way as corned beef. Like a dry-cured ham it is preserved in salt, but only for a week and then it is roasted.

While guests may be expecting ham specials around Easter time, as a chef it is your job to expand and excite their palate. So,l grab your chef coat and give diners a ham dinner they’ll never forget.