Historically, white has been the standard color for a chef’s uniform. In recent years, it has become more common to see chefs creating their own signature uniform. There doesn’t appear to be a concrete consensus in the culinary world about whether colorful clothing is acceptable or not. However, many kitchen professionals will agree that what you wear says a lot about who you are and what you cook.
White chef coats and hats became popular for their practical nature.
- Can be bleached clean
- Bright white indicates highest degree of cleanliness
- Doesn’t absorb heat
- Traditional background and visibility
While everyone knows why many chefs choose to wear white, decoded other colors can be a bit more complex. Wearing a colorful uniform also has practical benefits for culinary professionals who are often much more than just chefs.
- Shows personality of menu/restaurant in marketing
- Signifies uniqueness of a chef’s cooking style
- Serves as branding material
If you are thinking of incorporating a little into your kitchen attire, consider the feelings brought on by them.
- Red – energy, strength, passion
- Orange – enthusiasm, creativity,success, is less aggressive than red
- Gold – wisdom, wealth, high-quality
- Yellow – happiness, intellect, cheerfulness
- Green – nature, freshness
- Purple – royalty, color most enjoyed by children
When choosing a color for your modern chef uniform, keep these feelings in mind. Select a color that best portrays who you are and what guests can expect from the establishment and the menu.
Adding color to your kitchen can not only enhance certain feelings among staff but also relay a message to your diners. You only get one chance to make a first impression with your looks and your food, so choose wisely.