Irregular Four-Way Waist Apron by Uncommon Threads

Four-Way Waist Apron - Clearance

Item #: IR-UC3057
Was $5.99
Was $5.99
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DEALS CATEGORY DISCLAIMER: Please note that due to large discount on Deals items, these offers are web-checkout only and are non-returnable. As these are closeout items, in the unlikely event of a backorder, backordered items or quantities will be reduced to our available amount and in-stock items will be shipped. You will receive a confirmation notice of the shipped items once the order has been marked shipped.
Because this discount apron is irregular we can offer it to you at a greatly reduced price due to small defects such as:
  • Thread Pulls
  • Soil Marks
  • Cut in the Label
  • Subtle Fabric Shade Variations
We do not encourage having embroidery done on this apron due to irregularites. Doing so is at your own risk.
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Product Reviews

  • would buy again


    i bought these for costume props and they worked out great. great. thinking of giving them for christmas gifts with recipe books.

    (Posted on Aug 24th 2019)

  • best deal in town


    thanks for the great service. great quality jacket. exactly as expected. easy care, look great wth custom logo.

    (Posted on Aug 24th 2019)

  • Lovely


    Very nice product. Thanks for your excellent service. Nice quality - exactly what my son wanted. Functional, nice looking and easy to wash and wear.

    (Posted on Aug 23rd 2019)

  • normal product


    my order came in a timely fashion. great quality, rich color. i am very pleased with your product.

    (Posted on Aug 15th 2019)

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